Angel Of Death is one of the band from Sukabumi, West Java - Indonesia which was established in 1999, a major influence on the movement of underground music in the city when it was decided to play arrangements of music that are affected by the soul of the band's black metal, gothic, dark, symphoni etc. Yes, the basic soul character of ANGEL OF DEATH is black metal. pioneered by faizal (Vocal,guitar),Reza (bass ) Iman (drum )and the next year Angel of death take Agusty and Dery to fill Vocal in 2000, we called genre of Angel of Death is Atmospheric Black Metal {1999- 2005} that was a major changes in the musicality that we made beginning in 2005 until today, its continue to grow. Throughout 2001 and 2003 the year in which the ANGEL OF DEATH poured masterpiece, recorded several tracks including: SHAKE REGRET, WHISPER IN ANGER, FUTHER THERION,BLACK WARRIOS,SEMBAH,HAIL ILLUMINATION,SERAPAH, ANGEL SICK. Recording Dialog Studio Bandung westjava Indonesia, 2001-2003. Operator and mixed by Dadi Garoet, all Music arranged, lyric writed by Faizal. However faizal decided not to launch the album and works only in a private collection until now. Although several track has been posted on several compilation albums Musicians {Angel of Death Personnel} throughout the year 1999-2014 are: Deristianic {voc 2000-2003}, Agusty {voc 2001-2004},mira {female voc 2002-2003} encim { female voc II 2003-2005}, rudy {guitarII 2002},Hans {guitar II 2003-2005},reza {Bass 1999-2006} n {guitar II 2009-2011},utis {drum 1999-2001},ghea{drum 2001-2003}, ukie x blackramstein/ansich {drum 2003-2004}, ade x fatality {drum 2005} , edwin{drum 2005-2009},Herry{drum2012-2014}, Linda {add voc 2008-2010},Denis x amnesty {2011-2013}, Purnama {add voc 2003-2014}. At first Aod told that the genre Atmospheric Metal that influenced from : Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, The Kovenant, Hagard, Therion, Dying Fetus, brujeria, Rhapsody, Luca Turilli, Suffocation, Yanni Etc. As the running time after the angel of death has a lot of major changes in Angel of Death’sbody. recording some songs title in different studios with the same title was become a fundamental experience in nearly 5 years, Doing the activites in scene, perform from stage to stage throughout the year continue to be done within or outside the city. In early 2014, Faizal finally decided to immediately launch the album and re-record all the material that is packed from several studios throughout 2005-2012 which later born the debut album angel of death, the title is walking out from 05:14. Walking out from 05:14 is a summary of the guerrilla trip, working throughout the year 2005 to 2014 is not only a work that can be heard but this debut album is a real long story ANGEL OF DEATH. re-started all the pace for nearly 10 years and is packaged in a physical release produced, co-produced and distributed by guerrilla total was done by hand by a loyal team and their faizal METAL MILITIA99 PRODUCTION. A pride in itself although previously there are a few labels that interested to release the debut album, but faizal decided to release their debut album and distribute it in the name METAL MILITIA 99 Production. The Long story of ANGEL OF DEATH Journey can keep moving to maintain the existence of the underground movement to changes in the scene became more pronounced and certainly a demand for us to balance the situation more rapidly to developments in the metal music scene and the world. There are 11 tracks on the album WALKING OUT FROM 5:14 including: 1.Intro ( Metal Blast Militia ) 2.Sesat Sesaat 3.Tak Bertuhan 4.Dead Star Syndrome 5.Masa YgT erluka 6.Budaya Penyesatan 7.Eyelution 8.Setan 9.Kau BukanTuhan Ku 10.Angel Of Death (slayer Cover )11.Outro ( Reborn And Burn ) DISCOGRAFY : - FutherTherion( AlbumKompilasiRofflessRoom - RoflessRoom Prod ) 2001 - Share Regret ( AlbumKompilasiSpriding The Death - HeadintheClouds Rec)2002 - Whisper In Anger ( AlbumKompilasi Blacker Than Darkness VI - Dark Banner Prod) 2003 - Sesat Sesaat {old version} {Album KompilasiUnder List-Episode KeTiga. MetalCorner Prod}} 2009 - DeadStar Syndrome {Album KompilasiWORLD OF DESTRUCTION grindlife record} 2014 - ANGEL OF DEATH title WALKING OUT FROM 05:14 { FULL ALBUM } 11 Track, Label METAL MILITIA 99 PRODUCTION 2015 - Official Clip Video title BUDAYA PENYESATAN release by METAL MILITIA 99 PRODUCTION 2016 - Godless {album version} {Repair Record Compilation Vol II} 2015 - Kau Bukan Tuhanku { Repair Record Compilation Vol III } 2016 - Budaya Penyesatan {album version} {Album KompilasiWAR EXTREME SOUND, rilisan Darrel Records}} 2016 - Dimensi Logika {newsingle 2016} {Album KompilasiSOUND OF LEGACY, Rilisan semangat baja kami - exclussive notforsale} -Repentless {tribute to slayer} 2016 REPAIR RECORDS magazine Compilation Metal Edition} 2016 - Dimensi Logika { Album KompilasiGERILYA MAGAZINE compilation }2017. - where ever i may roam { Album Kompilasitribute to metallica, cover version } {METAL MILITIA 99 PROD, the underground } 2017 - ANGEL OF DEATH {ALBUM} title TRIBUTE TO BIG FOUR release By METAL MILITIA 99 PROD 2017 ANGEL OF DEATH line up 2017 : Faizal { Lead Vocal – 1999 } Okky { Guitars – 2014 } Denny { Bass – 2007 } Adji { Drum – 2014 } GENDRE : PROGRESSIVE BLASTING METAL SUB GENDRE : DEATH/BLACK/PROGRESSIVE/THRASH In 2017, ANGEL OF DEATH will release Album Tribute To Big Four {Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax} contains 10 tracks release the title of the world monster band. we change the arransement music in total. This is a project that will be launched in mid-April 2017 via Metal Militia 99 Prod {self Release} which will be in print only 500 copies just by numbering ... Reverbnation : https://www.reverbnation.com/angelofdeathofficial Email : metalmilitia99prod@gmail.com WEBSITE : www.angelofdeath.info Office : METAL MILITIA STORE Jl.Raya Cimuncang Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi Jawa Barat Indonesia Management/booking : +6285721646461 W.A : +62 85863322699